World-leading online betting operator, Lottoland, has donated £10,000 to help support individuals and families in poverty through the EV Foundation.

The EV Foundation, which has been running since 2013 and became a registered charity in 2021, is based in Gibraltar and has a mission of assisting local families whose household income is insufficient to afford basic necessities. Lottoland’s donation will help these families in a number of ways, from providing everyday essentials to educational opportunities.

From humble beginnings, the EV Foundation has grown to support a wide community of families struggling on the breadline. Nicole Jones, founder of the charity, said: “In our recent Christmas appeal, we gave food hampers worth £400-£500 to 93 families based locally and across the border. Not only this, but we gave each family numerous food and gift vouchers, and supplied Christmas gifts for approximately 300 children. I started off with 4 families and look at how it has expanded.”

“My help to these families is a daily commitment and we don’t only provide food, clothing, electro domestics, homeware, furniture and bills, but most importantly we build them up as a family or as individuals. I am in constant contact with Government agencies, schools and with Social Services. We have regular meetings in which we discuss the ways in which each family or person can be helped and be pushed to lead a normal life and succeed.”

On the decision to support the charity, Lottoland CEO Nigel Birrell said: “The EV Foundation does incredible work helping disadvantaged families here in Gibraltar, where Lottoland is based, as well as nearby Spain. Their mission is a reminder that we shouldn’t take anything for granted, and that for some families, a little support can be lifechanging.”

Nigel added: “From purchasing school uniforms and funding after-school activities to helping with utility bills, the EV Foundation make a daily difference to families in poverty. We are pleased to support their amazing work.”

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